Ovarian Cancer Screening
Ovarian cancer screening
Ovarian cancer is not a common cancer, and it is hard to detect. Many women with this cancer have no symptoms in the early stages. As a consequence, ovarian cancer is often identified at a late stage, when treatment is more difficult. To know more about Ovarian Cancer Consult with our Best ovarian cancer doctor in Thane, Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar.
Types of ovarian cancer screening tests
At present moment, the greatest choices for screening are:
- Pap screenings and pelvic examinations, which may detect other gynecological malignancies, are not really useful for detecting ovarian cancer.
- Ultrasound. Sound waves are used in this examination to “see” structures within the body. A device directs sound waves towards the organs within the pelvic region, and a computer generates an image from the echoes of the sound waves. This image may show the doctor whether one ovary seems to be abnormal. If anything unusual is detected, surgical testing is often required.
- A transvaginal ultrasound to assist in the identification of masses in the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries However, it can’t determine if they’re cancerous or benign.
- Currently, the only approach to diagnose ovarian cancer is via a biopsy and tissue examination.
- A CA-125 blood test to detect certain proteins that may suggest ovarian cancer This is mostly used to help stage your cancer once it has been diagnosed.
- Both of these tests may aid in the detection of ovarian cancer, although they are more beneficial in staging tumors and establishing treatment strategies.
How accurate are ovarian cancer screenings?
- Ovarian cancer screening is not very accurate, and around 75% of women with ovarian cancer are already at an advanced stage when identified. The CA-125 test is the most extensively used ovarian cancer screening and diagnostic technique. This test detects a protein called cancer antigen 125, which is increased in around 80% of women with advanced ovarian cancer and 50% of women with early stage ovarian cancer.
- This test result may also be increased in the presence of other illnesses such as diverticulitis, endometriosis, liver cirrhosis, and pregnancy.
- Uterine fibroids-The CA-125 should not be utilized to diagnose ovarian cancer alone. Only in symptomatic or high-risk people should this test be used to help screen for ovarian cancer, according to the Indian association.
When to screen for Ovarian Cancer?
If you are experiencing symptoms that you feel are connected to ovarian or other gynecological cancer, see your doctor about screening. When symptoms do occur, they may include the following:
- Bloating, pelvic or abdominal discomfort, and a sudden sense of fullness after eating
- appetite loss
- urination problems
- Early identification and treatment are the most effective ways to reduce your risk from ovarian cancer. Consult a doctor about your general cancer risk, if you have a family history of ovarian cancer, and any unusual symptoms you are experiencing, particularly if they appear abruptly or continue for more than two weeks.
How to know the risk of OVARIAN CANCER?
The following factors enhance your chance of ovarian cancer:
- Older age
- Having one or more relatives with ovarian cancer
- Having abnormalities in certain genes, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2
Having genes that are linked to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC; also called Lynch syndrome) - Infertility conditions
- Being overweight
Some variables may lower your chances of acquiring ovarian cancer, such as:
Using hormonal birth control techniques (pills, patch, vaginal ring, injection) Having your fallopian tubes “tied” (a treatment called tubal ligation) to prevent pregnancy
Using hormonal birth control techniques (pills, patch, vaginal ring, injection) Having your fallopian tubes “tied” (a treatment called tubal ligation) to prevent pregnancy
Ovarian cancer screening risks and benefits
A screening test detects an illness, such as cancer, in its early stages, when there are no symptoms and the tumor is most likely to respond to therapy. A colonoscopy, which is used to identify precancerous polyps and early malignancies of the colon, is an example of a popular screening test.
A screening test must identify the majority of persons who have the ailment while excluding those who do not. A “false-positive” test is one that is positive when there is no illness present. It is particularly crucial to prevent false-positive ovarian cancer screenings since a positive screening test typically necessitates surgery.
Benefits — The possible benefit of ovarian cancer screening is the possibility of detecting the disease at an early stage, lowering the death probability.
Risks — A false-positive screening test is a potential risk of ovarian cancer screening
Screening tests for women at high risk
- The optimal combination of ovarian cancer screening tests is being investigated. A blood test for the CA 125 tumor marker, ultrasonography, or a combination of the two may be effective for women at high risk of ovarian cancer.
- CA 125 tumor marker — CA 125 is a protein that is elevated in around 80% of ovarian cancer patients. A blood test may be used to measure it. CA 125 is routinely used to monitor ovarian cancer patients.
- CA 125 was intended to be used to determine whether a woman was at risk for ovarian cancer. CA 125 levels may, however, be elevated in a number of different disorders, including: endometriosis, uterine fibroids, liver illness (cirrhosis), and pelvic infections.
Endometrial, breast, lung, and pancreatic cancer are examples of other malignancies. - CA 125 levels are also greater than usual in around 1% of healthy women, and they fluctuate during the menstrual cycle.
If your CA 125 level is greater than usual, you may have ovarian cancer or another illness. As a consequence, CA 125 is not recommended as a stand-alone ovarian cancer screening test. - Pelvic ultrasound — Pelvic ultrasonography creates an image of the organs in the pelvis, including the ovaries, using sound waves. The test usually involves using an ultrasound wand placed on the outside of the abdomen and inside the vagina.
- Vaginal ultrasonography may detect between 80 and 100 percent of ovarian malignancies when used as a screening test. However, ultrasonography cannot always distinguish between ovarian cancer and other less serious disorders (ovarian cyst, endometriosis). False-positive ultrasound tests (abnormal tests performed in the absence of malignancy) may need further testing or unnecessary surgery to assess the ovary. As a consequence, pelvic ultrasonography is not suggested as a stand-alone ovarian cancer screening test.
CA 125 and pelvic ultrasound combined — Several studies have looked at combining CA 125 and pelvic ultrasound to identify ovarian cancer. However, the findings of these investigations have been relatively underwhelming:
Many women had unnecessary surgery because of false-positive test results (the CA 125 or pelvic ultrasound was abnormal but no cancer was found).
Some CA 125 and pelvic ultrasound investigations identified more tumors at an earlier, more curable stage, whereas others did not.
Who should be screened for ovarian cancer?
- Family history of high risk — A woman with a “high-risk” family history has a significant family history of breast or ovarian cancer in more than one relative or has cancer family members who exhibit specified criteria.
- Women with this background should consult with a genetic counselor about BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing.
- If you have a high-risk family history of ovarian cancer, have a BRCA 1 or 2 mutation, and have ovaries, ovarian cancer screening may be suggested.
- You have Lynch syndrome (commonly known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer [HNPCC]) and ovarian cancer.
- Ovarian cancer screening may also be recommended for women who are qualified for genetic testing (due to a high-risk family history) but have declined genetic testing. Ovarian cancer screening may be advised in this group, beginning at the age of 30 to 35. Screening may involve a CA 125 blood test and a pelvic ultrasound.
Consult your doctor or nurse if you have experienced any of these symptoms.
For more information & consultation on ovarian cancer in Thane, visit Complete Women’s Care at Ghodbunder road, Thane or contact us on 9833074977 or simply fill in your name and number & one of our team member will get in touch with you soon. Our team of experts along with Dr. Arohi Tasgaonkar, MS (ObGy), DNB (ObGy), and one of the Best ovarian cancer doctor in Thane will help you out in understanding your problem and guide you through every stage of your treatment.